AuthNRequest Wizard

On this page you can create a custom SAML Authentication Request and send it to your IDP.
If the IDP is configured correctly (= it trusts this site and therefore the Service Provider you are staring at), it'll authenticate you and federate back to this site.
If you did not get the SP initiated SSO working, please get this fixed now as you can't proceed without this working.

If you just like to authenticate with your IDP using SP initiated SSO without any custom AuthNRequest, please just click on the Protected Page link in the menu bar.

Please follow the wizard below. Only the Identity Provider EntityID is mandatory - it'll be autofilled with the one you used previously if you used this browser with a SP-initiated SSO before. We'll use this value to look up the IDP ACS Url.
The other options (NameID, Authentication Context Class) are optional.
Leave them empty if you don't want to use them.

Identity Provider


Requested Authentication Context Class

Preview of your SAML Authentication Request

Here it is!